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Program to read the following numbers,round them off to the nearest integers and print out the results in integer form: 35.7 50.21 -23.73 -46.45

Posted By: Hilma Miller     Category: C Programming     Views: 2912

Write a program to read the following numbers,round them off to the nearest integers and print out the results in integer form:

35.7 50.21 -23.73 -46.45

Code for Program to read the following numbers,round them off to the nearest integers and print out the results in integer form: 35.7 50.21 -23.73 -46.45 in C Programming


void main()
    float n;

    printf("Enter the number:-");

    printf("The integer number after rounded is  %5.0f",n);


Enter the number:-12

The integer number after rounded is 12

Hilma Miller
Hilma Miller author of Program to read the following numbers,round them off to the nearest integers and print out the results in integer form: 35.7 50.21 -23.73 -46.45 is from Frankfurt, Germany.
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