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  on Feb 07 In Unix / Linux / Ubuntu Category.

Question Answered By: Adah Miller   on Feb 07

After reading a lot about how to use Unity, the "experience" and all it
benefits I wondering...

A unified platform, so far it seems like a platform that does all things
poorly, a jack of all trades. Can do nothing very well, does everything

I can see having some commonality about all the platforms but...
Lets face it a car, motorcycle and truck all have the same basic thing,
transportation. Along that line so is an airplane and helicopter. So,
according to that thinking, why not make them so that once you can operate
one you can operate all of them. Now doesn't that sound ridiculous!

So far, from what I have seen the same applies to Unity, ridiculous! I
think it would be great if where things could be the same then they would
be but desktops, netbooks, laptops, pads and smartphones are different
beasts. Where they can have things in common make them so. Making a
"common" "experience" is "ridiculous!

Going to Unity should have been an improvement, so far for me it is not.
I'm going back to 10.10. If 12.04 is no better than 11.10 I will only be
going there by force, not choice.

Seems like Cannonical is trying to follow in Microsoft's footsteps. Make
the OS so demanding on your computer hardware that you are forced to
upgrade about every 3 or so years. Not because your computer no longer
works, well, actually it does just not on the NEW OS, and any of the older,
more stable and now not supported, OS. I'm sure Dell, H-P and others love
MS because to keep using their current software every few years you MUST
upgrade the hardware. To hell with the environment, trash your old?
computer that "could" still work fine and the environment. Is it all about
the god, money.



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