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Linux Mint 11 64 Bit/Ubuntu 11.04 32bit

  Date: Feb 05    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 477

I am running Ubuntu 11.04 32 bit without a problem and until recently Linux Mint
11 64 bit on a different PC
I have just started to get a problem with Linux Mint 11 .ie SUDDENLY my DVD-RW
drives x 2 are Set as Master and slave on the IDE channel, are not appearing in
"computer" or in the Bios.Initially on boot up I got a warning box saying that
an "Applet Wrnckle Factory" had not loaded and did i want to delete it? The
Motherboard is a Gigabyte AMD Socket AM2 GA-M61SME-S2..is this problem related
to the NON DETECTION OF THE DRIVES? I have changed the detection of ide
secondary drives in the bios to Manual from Auto but it hasnt made any
Can anyone suggest a solution,as at the moment I am unable to burn/erase any
discs with Brasero as my secondary drives arent detected!



4 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Feb 05    

It sounds like either the IDE cable or both drives are bad. I would
start by replacing the cable.

Answer #2    Answered On: Feb 05    

No worries problem resolved..Bios returned to Failsafe Setting,Drives now

Answer #3    Answered On: Feb 05    

Would appear to be a BIOS glitch and if it happens again then it would
be prudent to change the battery. The clock losing time is usually the
first sign of a fading battery but it isn't *always* the first sign !

Answer #4    Answered On: Feb 05    

You were correct in your assumption that it would be a Bios
problem,although the clock seems to be OK,However, as soon as I changed the
BIOS to the "Failsafe Default setting" normal service resumed and secondary
IDE drives immediately detected..

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