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need to put 64-bit Ubuntu 12.04 onto USB Flash drive

  Date: Feb 12    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 620

I have been asked by a friend to help him get Ubuntu 12.04 on his
Dell Inspiron 64-bit laptop -- it is presently running Windows 7, which
is just driving him nuts! He handed me a SanDisk USB Flash Drive [16GB]
(way larger than needed, i'm sure!, but it's what he had on hand) &
asked if I could install Ubuntu 12.04 onto that, so he could just attach
the flash drive and then use Ubuntu....
I looked at the directions an www.ubuntu.com, and frankly my head's
spinning: it seems that there's a lot whoever wrote the directions takes
for granted. Can I download & set up the Flash drive using my Linux Box
& have it still be useful for him, or, does it need to be done from my
[seldom used] Windows 7 computer?
Switching from one to the other is not problematical, I just have
to switch over via my KVM box and then sign on to the Win 7 machine.
The other problem is with the download site, itself: it has a
drop-down box, giving you a (supposed) choice between 32 bit
(recommended) & 64 bit. But when ever I start the download, it always
appears to be for the 32 bit, even though I was very definitely clicked
onto the 64 bit choice. Is there, perhaps a means by which, using the
terminal, one can specify the 64 bit .iso-file & download it that way????
Sorry that it appears there are so many levels of question. Hope
someone can be of assistance.



8 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Feb 12    

Go to pendrivelinux.com for tutorials on how to have a persistent usb key.
You can also install it to the usb key, but this is trickier because you
need to write grub to the key and not to the hard drive. I have done both
methods successfully using several distributions, so know they will work.
The second method will give you a full installation and not just a live
disk with persistence.

You can also use a usb key and downloaded ISO to make a bootable live
installer using Unetbootin. This is my preferred method for installing and
seldom resort to a burned disk.

Answer #2    Answered On: Feb 12    

try this: http://torrent.ubuntu.com:6969/

its easy download onto flashdrive and make sure that the comp your putting it
onto has the option to boot from usb.

Answer #3    Answered On: Feb 12    

If you are currently running Ubuntu yourself all you need to is go to
Startup Disk Creator and the relevant ISO for Ubuntu. Couldn't be
easier really :-)

Then all your friend needs to do is boot from the USB drive and many
systems have a key to hit during boot to select the boot device. F12
is the most common but I've seen F9 and F10 used for this. Might need
a trip into BIOS to enable it too.

Answer #4    Answered On: Feb 12    

I'll add that to the other helpful suggestions I've gotten.

Answer #5    Answered On: Feb 12    

What makes you think the download is 32-bit Ubuntu?

Phil pointed you to a page with bittorrents. I find that is the fastest and most
reliable way to get Ubuntu. The one to select is: ubuntu-12.04-desktop-amd64.iso

Then you feed the torrent into a bittorrent download program such as
Transmission. Just double-clicking on the file should automatically start
Transmission. Highlight the file and select "add".

Answer #6    Answered On: Feb 12    

You know, I never even gave 'amd64' a look --- somehow just assumed that
the cpu would be intel, not based on anything at all, just an intuitive,
but likely mistaken assumption (and, yes, I do know the saying about the
word assume).... Oh, well; every once in a while you trip over something
you just take for granted & hopefully only pride gets bruised....

Answer #7    Answered On: Feb 12    

It doesn't matter whether the CPU is AMD or Intel, if its 64 bit the same
version applies. Just happens AMD made the first 64 bit processors and the
name stuck.

Answer #8    Answered On: Feb 12    

I did not know that and never saw it mentioned anywhere, even
with all
the reading I do to try to keep informed....

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