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Trying to execute the startup.bat to start the server the command prompt is getting exit

  Asked By: Qadriyah    Date: Sep 09    Category: Java    Views: 1181

I m new to jsp and trying to configure my system which is using
windows ME o.s and i have downloaded the tomcat 5.0.18. the problem is when i
was trying to execute the startup.bat to start the server the command prompt is
getting exit and the server is not starting. also i have kept all path of the
java_home and catalina_home in autoexec.bat and executed but could not complete
the task.. could u please advise me on this how can i make the tomcat work
awaiting for your favourable response regarding this.



2 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered By: Jarvia Miller     Answered On: Sep 09

Do u make Java SDK Download ?????????????

Answer #2    Answered By: Allan Bailey     Answered On: Sep 09

I find I have to edit setclasspath.bat and put JAVA_HOME in it
ie put something like set JAVA_HOME=J:\java\jdk1.4.1 at the top of the file.
(obviously you replace the path  with a jvm location of your own)
That way I do not have to mess with M$ paths etc and I can control
which jdk it runs with
This may not fix your prob, but it was necessary for me
running statup.bat from a DOS prompt  will show you the actual error

