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Forum updates on "Search results disappearing"

Search results disappearing
I just ran a search for a file on my file system. When it found the file thefile disappeared but o...
im creating a ecommerce website and i want to know how tosplit the search results "next Page" feat...
How to Page Google Search Results
Anyone help how to get next set of results for the google WebService and put it in a DataGrid , so...
Result Search Problems
Anyone knows how to display a resultset in a browser in a grid formThe resultset must be updateabl...
Sessions Disappearing
I have been making a page that disghed out image data to a html tag.It all works but there...
CR/LF disappeared inside CDATA
I have a String that contains an XML message. The XML messagecontains a CDATA element. Inside the ...
Solver add-in menu item disappears
My code adds lots of extra menu items to the Excel menu bar. When theworkbook loads/exits, it rese...
Grub disappearing on it's own?
Had a very strange experience with my dual-boot machine.On this one, I stopped using Ubuntu a wh...
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Article updates on "Search results disappearing"

Program to search an element in an array using Linear search or Sequential Search
A C++ Program to search an element in an array using Linear search (or Sequential Search).
Program to search an element in an array using Binary search
A C++ Program to search an element in an array using Binary search.
Program to search an element in an array using Linear search
A C++ Program to search an element in an array using Linear search.
Program to search an element in an array using Linear Search
A Java Program to search an element in an array using Linear Search.
Defines and differentiates sequential search and binary search
This article defines and also differentiates about sequential search and binary search.
Algorithms of sequential search and binary search
This article provides an algorithm of sequential search and binary search.
TCP/IP program of UDP client for TIME service that prints the resulting time
TCP/IP program of UDP client for TIME service that prints the resulting time.
Program to rotate the word "Computer" by 1 results in "rCompute"
You are required to rotate a word a certain amount. For example, to c. Rotating it two more times gi...
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Interview FAQ updates on "Search results disappearing"

Explain difference between Sequential Search and Binary Search.
Sequential Search - It is easy. - It needs not to be sorted. - To search the last eleme...
Write an algorithm for Sequential Search in dfs (data file structure).
1. Initialize searcharray, searchno, length.2. Initialize pos=0.3. Repeat step 4 till pos<=l...
Write an algorithm for Binary Search in dfs (data file structure).
1. Initialize an ordered array, searcharray, searchno, length.2. Initialize low=0 and high=lengt...
What is BFS (Breadth First Search) in dfs (data file structure)?
Breadth First Search is the technique to find the shortest distance between some starting node and t...
What is DFS (Depth First Search) in dfs (data file structure)?
A depth first search of an arbitrary graph can be used to perform a traversal of a general graph. T...
What is Sequential Search in dfs (data file structure)?
The simplest technique for searching an unordered table for a particular record is to scan each entr...
What is Binary Search in dfs (data file structure)?
The entries in table are stored in alphabetically or numerically increasing order. The approximate ...
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Video updates on "Search results disappearing"