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Linux Resources for Leisure

  Date: Dec 04    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 375

I have found and really been enjoying browsing through backarticles of
LinuxJournal.com. I figure there are probably other good sites and
magazines out there, so I am curious what (if any) Linux media everyone
consumes on a more-or-less recurring basis?

Or do most linux users not really read linux-based stuff? <-- Because,
hey, I never read a Windows magazine in my life (how boring would that be?



3 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Dec 04    

I read full circle magazine http://fullcirclemagazine.org/
and pclinuxos magazine http://pclosmag.com/

and listen to a dozen or more podcasts and a couple of hundred rss feeds.
Enough to keep me more than busy.

Answer #2    Answered On: Dec 04    

even when I was hard-core blogging back when, I don't think I ever
topped 40 RSS feeds.

Answer #3    Answered On: Dec 04    

It helps that I am a speed reader. The big problem is when you miss a day or
two and come back to have over a thousand messages. I generally read back 24
hours and then give up. Also I don't read everything. Some such as lugradio
are more personal and are meaningless unless you know the person and care
about what their pet is up to and baby pics. A lot of it is repetitive, too.
Once you've read it one place then you can skip over it the second and third
time. Then some such as BoycottNovell are repetitive rants that you get
tired of hearing the same old every day.

But it serves to keep me out of trouble and to have a finger on what is
happening in open source. I tweet and dent what is worhtwhile so that others
can keep up too.

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