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Partitioning a Hard Drive for installing Linux/PC Linux etc

  Date: Feb 19    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 599

I already have Ubuntu 12.10 64 Bit installed on my 300 GB hard drive, using the
entire driveI would like to install Suse 12.2 32 bit or PC Linux os to run
alongside Ubuntu.I am having difficulty doing this without erasing Ubuntu
Is there any easy way to do this without messing up Ubuntu?



4 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Feb 19    

doesnt new os ask about this?.............

Answer #2    Answered On: Feb 19    

Have you looked at the drive with Gparted to see how much is being
used? I have had
a similar issue and found that the original installation only occupied
the first part of the
drive so that I could create partitions without losing anything. Also do
you have a separate
Home partition already?

Answer #3    Answered On: Feb 19    

seems that there was a problem with the drive as after testing it with Sea
Tools it came up as having failed,so I have put in a substitute and will
reinstall Ubuntu and see what happens..

Answer #4    Answered On: Feb 19    

You can resize the partition using the Live CD. I've done this several
times successfully.

