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Abbyy Fine Reader for Linux

  Date: Feb 11    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 536

Well I've installed this, used it, and it does a pretty good job but
you'd need to be desperate to use it full time IMHO, and 'more money
than sense' to pay what they are asking for it !!

Installation is a pain with many places to trip up the unaware. Then
we come to using it - esoteric commands to get the best out of it. All
the things that Linux *used* to be and has taken great strides towards

Try it by all means and if you can live with the command line then
great but if the free trial cannot be reset after getting to the '100
scans' limit then you have a pain trying to get another key using
throw away e-mail addresses.

Oh well, interesting exercise and giving Kubuntu 12.04 a work out for
me so I get used to working with it :-)



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