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Linux installation in second drive

  Date: Jan 11    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 465

I have computer with two hard drives installed and I want to install Linux in
the second drive with Widows XP installed in the first drive. Please guide me to
the source for information for selecting the second drive, Drive D:, for the
Linux installation.



7 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Jan 11    

Yes you just hit the F12 key as you boot up with your Ubuntu CD in the
drive. It will show you a choice of drives to boot from. tick the CD
drive. Ubuntu will offer to load the system into memory of install it.
choose install. Follow on screen requests till you get to the options
to use HDs. Here you choose the whole drive option and click the brown
bar that will show you two drives. Select the second slave drive and go.

The install will then format the second drive and install.

Answer #2    Answered On: Jan 11    

But it is good that your drive with the other OS should be disconnected. And
when you reinstall Windows, your drive with the Linux OS should be disconnected,
so as not to damage GRUB. By the way, reinstalling Windows 2000 does not wipe
out GRUB, reinstalling XP does wipe it. Another issue: there are several types
of BIOSes, for the boot menu to appear there are specific keys, according to the
computer type: These can be F2, F8 (in my case), F10, F11, F12. There are some
that do not have a boot menu, at starting the PC you have to hit the Del key for
several times, enter the BIOS and set boot priorities from there.

Answer #3    Answered On: Jan 11    

Firstly it's not necessarily F12, one of mine is F12 and the other F11, it
depends on the BIOS manufacturer.

But I suspect that's a red herring anyway, Clayton isn't asking how to boot from
CD but how to boot from a second hard drive.

The select boot drive key, F12 or F11 or whatever it happens to be, does allow
you to select which hard drive, but a more elegant way is to let Linux do it for
you via its GRUB menu.

Install Windows first: it's very rude and if you install it after your other
system it will simply assume you couldn't possibly have anything else and wipe
out the GRUB menu.

Then install Ubuntu, and it should just automatically work out where Windows is,
and boot into GRUB allowing you to choose Windows or Ubuntu each time. If it
doesn't do that for any reason there's the F12 key to fall back on.

(Later you can find out how to configure GRUB to make it pretty, and select a
default boot so you don't have to hit a key).

Answer #4    Answered On: Jan 11    

You did not read my message very clearly Steve. You boot from the CD
because otherwise the computer will just go into XP each time on some
systems. You get the F12 or whatever the boot sequence tells you is the
key to get the menu to boot from the CD drive as I said.

If he in fact wants to boot from Ubuntu first he will have to edit the
grub once he has installed and got the grub duel boot. Editing is not as
easy on 10.04 as it was in previous version.

You always write as in you know its and other do not Steve. Try to make
it a little less condescending.

Answer #5    Answered On: Jan 11    

Depends on exactly how you want Ubuntu and WinXP to be selected on
boot up. A standard dual-boot setup will be created automatically by
installing Ubuntu and when it asks for where you want it to install
just select the second drive.

If you want to install Ubuntu to the second drive without affecting
the WinXP drive in any way at all - i.e. you don't get a boot option
to select which one you want - then that's a bit harder and means some
work on your part to manually change the boot drive every time you
want to change the boot OS. If you have a BIOS that has the [F12]
option to change boot drive then this will be easier than if you have
to go into BIOS every time to change boot drive order.

BTW - if going the totally separate drive route it's advisable to
disconnect the WinXP drive during the Ubuntu install. If it doesn't
see WinXP at all it will make the install easier !!

Answer #6    Answered On: Jan 11    

I have never had to disconnect the C: drive because the install process allows you to choose easily.

Answer #7    Answered On: Jan 11    

When you install you will want to choose a custom installation or be able to
select the drive to install it to. You do *not* want to share a drive with
Windows which is the first option. The partition editor included with the
installer will show you graphically what the existing file formats and
operating systems are. Linux does not use Windows desgnations for drives.
Instead of Drive C: you will see sda and instead of Drive D: you will see
sdb. I am assuming that Windows is on C:, so you will want to install Ubuntu
to sdb. You will format that drive as ext4 which is the default. Most of
this is just keypresses, but be sure to read. Before it actually overwrites
anything it will give you a confirmation screen. Pay attention.

It is easier than it sounds.


This has great screen shots: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/installing

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