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Need help with solid-state drives in netbook

  Date: Dec 06    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 467

Here is a question from a Linux neophyte using an Asus
eee901 netbook running eeeUbuntu:

The 901 I bought was the Xandros Linux version, with 20GB
of total solid-state storage: One physical 4 GB drive,
and one physical 16 GB drive. Early on, I replaced
the Xandros Linux with eeeUbuntu, which runs fine.

Needing more storage space, I bought a new 64GB card
to replace the original 16GB card in the netbook.
After getting some help from others, I succeeded in
getting the 64GB card installed (that required updating
the BIOS, which was where I needed help to achieve

Now the new space is available. But the entire 64GB card
(showing only 60.1 GB of space available) shows up in
Nautilus as an external drive, just like a removable USB
stick - evidently not part of the file system. I don't
think this is the way the original 16GB card was seen by

I'm confused about this, because when I still had the
original 16GB card installed, all the storage seemed to
be available in the file system. Now the new card seems
to act differently, as just another "external" drive.
How does this all sort out? Can anyone give me some
insight about how these SSD units are best set up and

If I view the "HDD Configuration" in the BIOS,
I see the Primary Slave is the new 64GB solid-state
drive (SSD), and the Secondary Master is the original Asus
Phison SSD (of 4 GB capacity, I believe). Is this the best
way to have the two SSD's set up?



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