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  Date: Dec 09    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 297

I bought my wife a dell mini 9 and it's a nice little machine. It
has 4gb of hard drive and ubuntu 8.04. The problem is its a botched up
dell version of ubuntu and its a proprietary. You can switch to the
standard ubuntu desktop but it is a cut down version. I would suggest
buying the machine with more hard drive, Ubuntu takes over 3 gb and
that only leaves less than 600mb of drive to work in. You have to
download updates from dell because ubuntu updates will fill the drive.
I would consider buying one with Xp in it and then throw away the
operating system and put in what ever Linux you like. I do like the
flash drives as it leaves the box so light she can put it in a slightly
oversize pocketbook with a shoulder strap. The same goes for a kids book
bag and the drive is fast too! I really don't understand why they
didn't just install xubuntu it's a little over 2 gb and it would not
need to have been modified??
I just don't see the point in using a proprietary version of Ubuntu
that is not as good as the free version?
I would not buy the 4 gig netbook because you can quickly run
out of hard drive. I would at least buy the 8 gb machine
This just my opinion, but I thought it might give a little
perspective to some who are considering buying a Linux netbook.



6 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Dec 09    

Have you had a look at the Ubuntu Netbook Remix (UNR)? Don't know if
that's likely to circumvent the odd Ubuntu issues you're seeing ...

I bought an Acer Aspire One, and am getting somewhat frustrated with
the Linpus Lite that's loaded on there (I've got rid of the custom
interface, but I think the underlying xfce might be "tweaked" ...).

I've been told that loading the UNR onto these slows these (AA1)
machines down, but I'm guessing that a bunch of the stuff is in ROM
(boots up way too fast to all be on the 160Gb HDD). From what I've
read, the UNR is supposed to be pretty much the best netbook option
out there, however.

Answer #2    Answered On: Dec 09    

I also have an Acer Aspire One w/160gb. Left XP but loaded Easy Peasy - Ubuntu.
It works fairly good. One of the big things is when an app is expanded all out
you do not have direct access to the expand/collaps/kill buttons in the upper
right hand corner of the screen. Under System/Preferences/Windows/Movement Key I
have checked the SUPER (Windows Logo) key. Now when I hold down that key and
click on a window it collapeses to about one-half size. Then it can be moved,
resized or quit.

There are a few problems and the 9.04 version didn't correct them. I may remove
Easy Peasy and go with the straight 9.04 version. Indipendance Day weekend I'm
going to my son's house in Atlanta. He knows much more about Linux and such and
has ask me specifically to bring the AAO because he has not seen one. That
weekend lots of changes will be made to it. These netbooks are nice but the
supporting software have not caught up with them.

Answer #3    Answered On: Dec 09    

I also have the Acer one with 160 GB. It came with windows xp etc but I
changed it to ubuntu remix booting from a usb using unetbootin. I have
now permanently installed it to the Acer and am a happy camper. I am
waiting for a KDE 4.2 remix version and then I will try that as I like
the new KDE4 but the remix was KDE 3.5.

Answer #4    Answered On: Dec 09    

If you hold down the Alt key, you can grab a window anywhere, and drag it so you
have access to the buttons, or to the bottom-right to resize the window.

Answer #5    Answered On: Dec 09    

The Alt key is the default key. Using System/Preferences/Windows under Movement
Key this can be set to Control, Alt or Super key (Windows Logo). I don't know of
anything the Super key is used for in Linux so I have changed it to that. It
frees up the Alt key for something else.

Answer #6    Answered On: Dec 09    

I have the Apire one with a 120 GBt hard drive with Linpus and UNR remix dual
boot and find them both fine. Linpus intended for straight forward simple tasks
and does it well. Ubuntu allows full 'command' I have tweaked both as found on
the forums elsewhere. Get lots of fun and delightful to use, boots in seconds.

If you are stuck with the 4GBt flash you can always extend your filing system
with 8GBt additional SD cards or usb stick.

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