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Example for 5 tier Architecture in java

  Asked By: Glenn    Date: Sep 01    Category: Java    Views: 2987

Can any body give me example for 5 tier architecture (with tier
wise split up) in java?



6 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered By: Benjamin Simpson     Answered On: Sep 01

Here is the example.
First Let me say what are the entities contributes
to 5 tier  Arch.
1.Client Tier - Browser , Applet , client
2.Presentation Tier - Servlets,JSP
3.Business Tier - EJB or some business objects.
4.Integration Tier - JDBC ,
5.Backend Tier - Data bases,JMS etc.

Hope you might have understand the 5 tier

Answer #2    Answered By: Adalwen Fischer     Answered On: Sep 01

Tier 3/4 are same (?).In EJB DataSource to Access Database related

Answer #3    Answered By: Dylan Evans     Answered On: Sep 01

Maybe change:

3.Business Tier - EJB or some business objects.
4.Integration Tier - JDBC


3.Messaging Tier - JMS
4.Business Tier - EJB or some business objects.

Answer #4    Answered By: Kerry Wright     Answered On: Sep 01

We cannot change this...
JMS will be in the Back end tier.
If you use JMS the 3 and 4 becomes single tier  and
it will use MDB for integrating with JMS.
So what I stated is correct.
The 4th tier cannot be exist without 3.
This what in the J2EE specification.
Me too confused first.Now I am pretty clear about
We use call the same as 3 tier earlier.Now they
split it according to logical tier where these 5 tiers
are loosely coupled.
Hope this explanation will clear your doubt

Answer #5    Answered By: Miriam Green     Answered On: Sep 01

Ok, but I'm gonna refute that and say that JDBC is not a tier  it's a
specification for developing drivers for communicating with the
database/persistence tier. Or by JDBC do you mean an overall data
access layer so your original list would look like:

1.Client Tier - Browser, Applet, Client Applications
2.Presentation Tier - Servlets, JSP
3.Business Tier - Business Objects (Session EJB, Business Classes)
4.Integration Tier - Data Access Layer (Entity EJB, JDO, SQL)
5.Backend Tier - Databases, JMS etc.

Answer #6    Answered By: Alberta Miller     Answered On: Sep 01

The 3 and 4 are same.Now the 3 tier  is split  into 5
tier according to its logical entity .If you look into
these 5 tiers they are very much loosely coupled one.

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