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Design Goal and Architecture

  Asked By: Darla    Date: Jan 15    Category: Java    Views: 1203

In an interview, someone asked me about the main goal of the design process.
What's your idea?

Another question is about the Architecture. Someone told me that our
architecture is EJB, Struts, Oracle and... . I thought that these are only
technologies. What do you think about this case?



3 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered By: Ralph Murray     Answered On: Jan 15

To understand main  goals of a design  process, you need to know what a design process  is. Well, this is a process that transforms customer requirements into products in a level that fulfill those requirements.
Well I guess the goal of the design process is obvious now. In simple terms, you need to deliver a product that meets customer satisfaction.

There are guidelines for taking this approach, but the bottom line is taking that approach is up to you.

Regarding Architecture, you are %100 correct. EJB, Oracle, Struts, are not architecture.

Architecture is overall structure of system and subsystems and their interfaces. architecture  considered "mainly" non-functional requirements. (Again, mainly) i.e. scalability. Architecture functions at a high level of abstraction. Architecture is a discipline.

Although, when you get to "Architecture design" that involves creation of architectural design, that's where you start talking about technologies.

I understand that these descriptions are a bit boring, but once you realized the steps into your SW development process that only matter left would be make your hands dirty with them

Answer #2    Answered By: Keith Marshall     Answered On: Jan 15

The goal of design  process I think is to document the model of application or components before implementation. This helps you to have a better view and apply amendments if required. Also it helps you to separate roles. Your senior developers can design and junior developers can implement the design.

About the EJB, Struts, Oracle, Struts & Oracles are technologies. EJB is a specification itself. The specification specifies architecture  of EJB.
I think architecture is meta model of design. For example if you say we are using session facade(You can design multiple session facade for your diffrent modules) or we develope web applications in 3 layers..., it means you are introducing your architecture, but if you say we are using JRUN for application server, then you are introducing your technology.

Answer #3    Answered By: Timothy Patterson     Answered On: Jan 15

main goal of design  is to cover all requirements of that special item
such as : use case, component , and etc.

It's usual that some people say that our architecture  is such as
STRUTS|EJB|HIBERNATE and others, but in real they're technology.

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