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connecting to audio using vlc

  Date: Nov 29    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 405

I want to use vlc to record from a vcr. I have managed to get the
connection working using v4l with /dev/video1. I fail to connect to the
sound card Part of the system using vlc that by default shows the use of
alsa. Under sound in preferences the sound connection shows up and I
can select it.

The problem as I see it is vlc's connection to the alsa mixer. does
anyone know what the port is called or how to configure vlc to do so, so
I can enter the proper information on the audio input window so they
will talk to each other. When I use the sound recorder the sound mixer
shows the output application as an output, but I have yet to be able to
connect to the application using vlc, and the documentation has little
info as to what I am trying to do.



4 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Nov 29    

What hardware are you using?

Answer #2    Answered On: Nov 29    

I don't believe the hardware is an important issue but I am using the
roxio USB capture card. It is recognized and shows up in the GUI sound
application. I did get it working by using "default" in the audio
window of vlc. I assume that there is no hardware encoding as the sound
is now interrupted. I guess that my machine is to slow to capture at
the given sample rate. I have played with the priority settings giving
the sound applications the highest priority.

If anyone knows how I can use this card and use my slower system I would
love to know about it.

Answer #3    Answered On: Nov 29    

Is it new enough that it has USB2??????

Answer #4    Answered On: Nov 29    

Yes it is USB2. Linux did not suport the card until Ubuntu 10.04 came
out. This card will capture with the roxio software that came with it.
No problems with sound or video. I would rather stick with Ubuntu to do
my recording though. I am a tough case. I would rather use Ubuntu than
return to MS for anything, or I would just boot in doze.

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