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how to change color of row based on dropdown list

  Asked By: Violet    Date: Jan 30    Category: MS Office    Views: 5983

I am an newbie to this so forgive me if i am not clear ... am trying
to find a way where I can change the interior color of a row based on
a drop list from the first cell in that row ... ie. if I
select "PASS" in cell A1 ... then row 2 would have an interior color



3 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered By: Muhammad Evans     Answered On: Jan 30

You can't change  the colour of a row  in one go. You'll need to do it for
each cell.

That said, you can select as many cells as you wish, and do them all in one

- select the cells
- Alt-O, D (of Format / Conditional Formatting
- first drop-down to "Formula Is"
- type the formula =$a45="PASS"
- click Format...
- Patterns
- select a colour you like and click OK
- OK again

I used row 45, you can use whatever row you prefer. Then select the area
again and

- Copy
- select the whole area that is to do this (i.e. all the rows and all the
- Paste Special / Formats

Answer #2    Answered By: Kian Evans     Answered On: Jan 30

The easiest way to implement that is using Conditional Formatting. It does
not require VBA, it is built in to Excel. The way to do this differs
depending on the version of Office you have.

Answer #3    Answered By: Tomas Thompson     Answered On: Jan 30

Note that Excel 2003 allows 3 "layers" of conditional formatting.
Excel 2007 allows a bunch more and also different types of formatting
(icons, gradients, etc). Interestingly I think I found a glitch it
the system. I have my 2007 set to always save in 2003 format by
default. I created a .xls with formatting that SHOULD have work fine
in 2003, but when I emailed it to 2003-users at work the formatting
didn't work.... Just something to keep in mind. If you're using
2007, but sharing your spreadsheets with 2003 users, then makes sure
your setup is even going to work before you spend much time on it...

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