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10.04 dual boot with Windows 7 and partitioning

  Date: Nov 30    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 538

I have a new Dell Studio 1558 - 500G HD and 4G of ram running Windows 7. I want
to dual boot with 10.04. I have been looking at instructions on partitioning the
HD for the dual boot. This seems to be the best guide I have found in that it is
easy to understand.


The only thing I would like to also create a "/home" partition for storing data
and sharing with my Windows.

I'm planning to allocate 50G to Windows 7, 50G to mount point "/", 8G to "swap"
and the remainder to mount point "/home" for files sharing.

Windows Disk management shows an unnamed partition of 39 MB that is 100% free
and no file system; OS C: file system NTFS 451.07 GB 93% free; and Recovery file
system NTFS 14.65 GB 55% free space. When I looked at resizing using Windows it
would only reduce the size by about half.

So questions:

Will it be safe to shrink the Windows partition to 50G using G Parted?

How do I add the "/home" partition and what file format?

Is the guide I have found accurate?

Does my set up plans seem adequate?

Thanks for your time and input. If this works I will do the same to my wife's
laptop because she is complaining about it being slow and crashing. I have been
running 8.04 on a Gateway laptop and like it but I did not set up a separate
swap and home partition.



3 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Nov 30    

Not sure to your first question as I don't use Windows. I don't know how
Windows 7 will react to any changes that you make. Some OSes such as OS/x
will not share a drive, but require that you install another OS to a
separate drive. As long as you are sure that Windows 7 will not baulk at
this then I say go ahead.

/home is a mount point that you set when you install Ubuntu. You can choose
to format and encrypt as you see fit. To do that right click on /home in the
graph or list and choose edit. Choose to use it. Then choose the mount point
as /home and format and encrypt if you want. When you choose your user name
it will create a user space under than name. If one already exists then you
can choose to re-use it. Obviously if you choose to format it will destroy
any data on the drive.

My preferred format is ext4 as it is faster and is reliable. Btrfs will be
the format of choice soon, but ext4 is your best bet now. The advantage of
ext3 is that it can be accessed from distributions with older kernels,
should you have any. There are no advantages to ext2, IMO.

Follow the guide, although I would just use gparted from the installer
rather than in the menu, by choosing the last installation method in the
installer, custom or manual (I forget the exact wording). There is nothing
wrong with pre-partitioning with gparted.

The biggest worry is on the Windows 7 end. Backup any data and be prepared
to re-install Windows 7 should it be necessary. Also Windows likes to be on
the first partition. I am not sure if that is the case with Windows 7, but
it is a good idea anyway.

Answer #2    Answered On: Nov 30    

I would say there is another quite fast option, when installing select the
option to resize the Windows partition (not using Gparted, just the installer).
It will safely resize the Windows partition and then the installation will go
with no problem.
Gparted is damn slow when working with large disks and partitions.
Yes, backing up your files on the Windows partitions is a good idea. Having a
Windows 7 install disk around is also a good idea.
No, really, Ubuntu can be three-booted with FreeDOS (that one wants to stay on
the first, C partition, really) and Windows 7 with no problems.

Answer #3    Answered On: Nov 30    

You don't need 8G for a swap partition with 4G of ram you don't need a swap.

make sure you defrag the windows partition and it should hurt to shrink
it to 50G

Looks like an accurate guide

Your not going to be able to share the /home partition with windows.
If you want to share one you need to make another partition and format
it ntfs or fat32

It is a good idea to make a separate /home partition so you can upgrade

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