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new ubuntu (10.04)

  Date: Nov 30    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 509

I am trying to run a stream online. I can run that stream from firefox but I
cant run it using google chrome. On google chrome, it gives me an error related
microsoft media server (MMS) plugin.
I tried searching on the internet, and various forums recommended installing
w32codecs. But, sudo apt-get install w32codecs complain about the unavailability
of the package.
Do you know how can i resolve this problem? And, how come there is this
incompatibility between firefox and chrome? I thought that chrome import
settings from firefox.
I would be eternally grateful if you can help me on this.



1 Answer Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Nov 30    

They are available in the medibuntu repository. See:
https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu on how to enable this
repository. Medi in medibuntu stands for media.

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