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Update Manager Issue w/Ubuntu Linux 10.04

  Date: Nov 29    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 557

Ubuntu 10.04 has been working well for me since day one. Last couple of times
Update Manager comes up in the lower panel, I can't maximize it, open it, close
it, etc. I usually have Google Chrome in the lower panel as well. Same story,
can't access it. The only thing I can do is restart the system. I must have some
glitch in my setup. I definitely want to keep up with updates. How/where can I
bring up Update Manager and let it do it's thing? I'm not a very experienced
Ubuntu user and am looking for a few tips to troubleshoot, clear up my system.



1 Answer Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Nov 29    

Remember you can access Ubuntu's Update Manager or Synaptic by clicking on
System, then Administration. If my Ubuntu starts to act weird I try the
Janitor, which is also under Administration. Yes, it will ask you for your
password to run either updater. Sometimes changes will remove a favorite
program, simple just go get it again.

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