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Retrieving Columns with SELECT and FROM

Posted By: Sarita Patel     Category: SQL Server     Views: 2376

This article explains significance of select and from clause to retrieve column, multiple columns and all columns from a table.

Simplest use of SELECT statement is to retrieve one column, multiple column or all columns . The SELECT clause lists the columns to display, and the FROM cluase specifies the table from which columns will be displayed.

If you retrieve columns from tables, SELECT and FROM clauses are required, all other clauses are optional.


Syntax of SELECT clause :

SELECT [ ALL | DISTINCT ] [ TOP expression [ PERCENT ] [ WITH TIES ] ]

| { table_name | view_name | alias_name }.* | { column_name | [ ] expression | $IDENTITY | $ROWGUID } [ [ AS ] column_alias ] | column_alias = expression } [ ,...n ]

FROM table_name | view_na me alias_name

WHERE filter_criteria

ORDERBY ordering_criteria


To retrieve a column from a table :

Syntax of SELECT clause to get a column from a table

SELECT column

FROM table


Example of SELECT clause to get a column from a table

SELECT ContactName

FROM    Customers



Maria Anders

Ana Trujillo

Antonio Moreno

Thomas Hardy

Christina Berglund

Hanna Moos

Above query dispays all ContactName column values from Customers table.


To retrieve multiple columns from a table :

Syntax of SELECT clause to get multiple column from a table

SELECT column1,column2….

FROM table

Example of SELECT clause to get multiple column from a table

SELECT ContactName, CompanyName

FROM    Customers


ContactName             CompanyName

Maria Anders             Alfreds Futterkiste

Ana Trujillo               Ana Trujillo Emparedados y helados

Antonio Moreno        Antonio Moreno Taquería

Thomas Hardy           Around the Horn

Christina Berglund    Berglunds snabbköp

Hanna Moos              Blauer See Delikatessen


Above query dispays all ContactName and CompanyName column values from Customers table.


To retrieve all columns from a table :

Syntax of SELECT clause to get all columns from a table :


FROM table


Example of SELECT clause to get all columns from a table :


FROM   Region



RegionID     RegionDescription

1                   Eastern

2                   Western

3                   Northern

4                   Southern


Above query returns all column values of region table.



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Sarita Patel
Sarita Patel author of Retrieving Columns with SELECT and FROM is from United States.
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