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Program to find out whether a given quadrilateral ABCD is rectangle. Assume that all the four angles and four sides of the quadrilateral are supplie

Posted By: Meryl Schmidt     Category: Assembly Language     Views: 6662

Write an assembly program to find out whether a given
quadrilateral ABCD is rectangle. Assume that all the four angles and four sides of the quadrilateral are supplied input data. Print the answer as yes or no.

Code for Program to find out whether a given quadrilateral ABCD is rectangle. Assume that all the four angles and four sides of the quadrilateral are supplie in Assembly Language

.model small

        deg dw 90,90,90,60
        Quad   db 'Quadrilateral','$'
        NotQuad  db 'Not Quadrilteral','$'

        mov ax,@data
        mov ds,ax

        mov ax,0
        mov ax,deg
        add ax,deg+2
        add ax,deg+4
        add ax,deg+6

        cmp ax,360
        je equal
                mov ax,0900h
                LEA DX,NotQuad
                int 21h
                jmp ext

                mov ax,0900h
                LEA DX,Quad
                int 21h
        mov ax,4C00h
        int 21h


Meryl Schmidt
Meryl Schmidt author of Program to find out whether a given quadrilateral ABCD is rectangle. Assume that all the four angles and four sides of the quadrilateral are supplie is from Frankfurt, Germany.
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