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Shruti - Distinguish between Select query and Action Query, Database...Jan 20
Shruti - What is the significance of validation rule and validation...Jan 20
Shruti - What do you mean by primary key? Explain its significance.Jan 20
Shruti - What is a ’query’ in Access? State and explain the different...Jan 20
Shruti - What is the difference between bound and unbound controls?Jan 18
Shruti - What is the ed command? Dec 21
Shruti - What does the spool off command do? Dec 21
Shruti - From which two sources can you generate SQL scripts? Dec 21
Shruti - In Oracle, how can you find out what tables and views you...Dec 21
Shruti - How can you use performance statistics? Dec 21
Shruti - What are some common hindrances of general performance? Dec 21
Shruti - What happens during a full-table scan? Dec 21
Shruti - How can you avoid a full-table scan? Dec 21
Shruti - What does streamline an SQL statement mean? Dec 21
Shruti - Should tables and their corresponding indexes reside on the...Dec 21
Shruti - Why is the arrangement of conditions in an SQL statement...Dec 21
Shruti - If you have a trigger on a table and the table is dropped,...Dec 21
Shruti - If you own a table, who can select from that table? Dec 21
Shruti - What would happen if you created a table and granted select...Dec 21
Shruti - Will using a savepoint in the middle of a transaction save...Dec 21
Shruti - Can a COMMIT command be used by itself or must it be...Dec 21
Shruti - If you issue the COMMIT command and then discover a mistake,...Dec 21
Shruti - When nesting transactions, does issuing a ROLLBACK...Dec 21
Shruti - Can savepoints be used to "save off" portions of a...Dec 21
Shruti - Can you use ORDER BY on a column that is not one of the...Dec 21
Shruti - What is the function of the GROUP BY clause, and what other...Dec 21
Shruti - Assuming that they are separate columns, which function(s)...Dec 21
Shruti - Which function capitalizes the first letter of a character...Dec 21
Shruti - Using the CHECKS table from earlier today, write a query to...Dec 21
Shruti - What makes SQL a nonprocedural language?Dec 21
Shruti - How can you tell whether a database is truly relational? Dec 21
Shruti - What can you do with SQL?Dec 21
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