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PHP Tutorials: Dynamic pages (Part 1)

 Creating a standard webpage template, only the content changes when a link is clicked. Saves time duplicating each file, and makes it a lot easier if something needs to be changed, like a menu item, h...


PHP Tutorials: Register & Login: User login (Part 1)

 Part of the 'Register & Login' Project from PHP Academy. This tutorials walks you through how to process a username and password based login against details found in a database, set a session, and pro...


What is PHP

 What is PHP is an introduction to PHP


PHP Tutorials: MySQL (Part 1)

 Using phpMyAdmin to create a new table on a database. The basics!


PHP Tutorial: Installation and The Basics

 To get php and apache installed use xampp. xampp is free and contains php / apache (around 33mb) 1. Download and Install XAMPP from here: www.apachefriends.org 2. on windows go to C:\xampp it should h...


Send Emails with a Web Form: PHP Scripting

 Check this video out at Hi-Res here: www.tutvid.com Files are Located here: www.tutvid.com In the following tutorial we will start with a few html files and we will build an Email Handling PHP script ...

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