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Oracle Certification Exam Design - Part 2

 "OCA, OCP, & OCE Exams" Part 2 of a three-part series on how Oracle designs and develops certification exams.
Category:Online Certifications


Oracle Certification Profile: OCM Frédéric Beaubois (FRENCH VERSION)

 Les évaluations afin d'obtenir les certifications Oracle étant difficiles, notre objectif est de vous donner les moyens nécessaires a l'obtention des certifications. Comme la plupart des DBA le savent...
Category:Online Certifications


Oracle Certification Exam Design - Part 3

 "The OCM Exam" Part 3 of a three-part series on how Oracle designs and develops the OCM certification exam.
Category:Online Certifications


Oracle Certification CertView - Introduction / Welcome

 Oracle Certification's new certification management system launches Friday Sep 25, 2009.
Category:Online Certifications


Oracle Certification Profile: OCM Frédéric Beaubois

 Interview with Oracle Certified Master (OCM) Frédéric Beaubois See updated version at www.youtube.com
Category:Online Certifications


Who's Who - Oracle Certification Email Contacts

 The Oracle Certification Program has several email aliases that you can use depending on what you need to accomplish. This short video shows you when to use which contact address.
Category:Online Certifications

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