
Online Certifications Videos

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Microsoft Office Certification

 Microsoft Office Certification is Microsoft's only official accreditation for information workers to demonstrate productivity in Desktop Applications. It is the world's largest applications certificat...
Category:Online Certifications


Oracle Certification Exam Design - Part 1

 "Exam Design Philosophy" Part 1 of a three-part series on how Oracle designs and develops certification exams.
Category:Online Certifications


Oracle Training, Oracle Course, Oracle Certification

 Koenig provides Oracle authorized training using Oracle Official Curriculum.Koenig Solutions is the pioneer in offshore IT training and certification. Koenig Solutions is an accredited training provid...
Category:Online Certifications


HOW TO: Preparing For Your Oracle Certification

 Tips and key steps to earning your Oracle Certification
Category:Online Certifications


The Benefits of Oracle Certification - For Professionals

 In this segment of a two-part video series, Joel Goodman - Global Team leader of the Oracle DBA certification exam development team - gives some great insight to Oracle's philosophy to why certificati...
Category:Online Certifications


Oracle Certification Practice Exams

 How to access, use, and get the most benefit out of Oracle Certification practice exams. In this interview, we explore Self Test Software's practice exam library with John Shapiro - VP of Kaplan IT (w...
Category:Online Certifications

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