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How do I enforce const correctness in C#?

  Shared By: Corey Brown    Date: Sep 18    Category: C#    Views: 689


You can't - at least not in the same way you do in C++. C# (actually, the CLI) has no real concept of const correctness, For example, there's no way to specify that a method should not modify an argument passed in to it. And there's no way to specify that a method does not modify the object on which it is acting.

To get a feel for the angst this causes among some C++ programmers, read the feedback on this post from Raymond Chen.

There are of course ways of addressing this issue. For example, see Brad Abram's(blogs.msdn.com/.../67859.aspx) post (and associated feedback) for some ideas on adding optional read-only behaviour to collection classes.


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