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Should tables and their corresponding indexes reside on the same disk?

Absolutely not. If possible, always store tables and indexes separately to avoid disk contention.
Posted By:Shruti Sharma      Posted On: Dec 21

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Why is the arrangement of conditions in an SQL statement important?

For more efficient data access (the path with the least resistance).
Posted By:Shruti Sharma      Posted On: Dec 21

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What happens during a full-table scan?

A table is read row by row instead of using an index that points to specific rows.
Posted By:Shruti Sharma      Posted On: Dec 21

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How can you avoid a full-table scan?

A full-table scan can be avoided by creating an index or rearranging the conditions in an SQL statement that are indexed.
Posted By:Shruti Sharma      Posted On: Dec 21

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What are some common hindrances of general performance?

Common performance pitfalls include

- Insufficient shared memory
- Limited number of available disk drives
- Improper usage of available disk drives
- Running large batch loads that are unscheduled
- Failing to commit or rollback transacti...
Posted By:Shruti Sharma      Posted On: Dec 21

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