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.Net Framework
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How do assemblies find each other?

By searching directory paths. There are several factors that can affect the path (such as the AppDomain host, and application configuration files), but for weakly named assemblies the search path is normally the application's directory and its sub-di...
Posted By:Bathilda Schmidt      Posted On: Sep 03

.Net Framework
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How does assembly versioning work?

An assembly has a version number consisting of four parts, e.g. 1.0.350.1. These are typically interpreted as Major.Minor.Build.Revision, but this is just a convention.

The CLR applies no version constraints on weakly named assemblies, so the asse...
Posted By:Joyce Edwards      Posted On: Feb 26

.Net Framework
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How can I develop an application that automatically updates itself from the web?

For .NET 1.x, use the Updater Application Block. For .NET 2.x, use ClickOnce.
Posted By:Adel Fischer      Posted On: Dec 20

.Net Framework
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What is an application domain?

An AppDomain can be thought of as a lightweight process. Multiple AppDomains can exist inside a Win32 process. The primary purpose of the AppDomain is to isolate applications from each other, and so it is particularly useful in hosting scenarios such...
Posted By:Teresa Rogers      Posted On: Dec 31

.Net Framework
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How does an AppDomain get created?

AppDomains are usually created by hosts. Examples of hosts are the Windows Shell, ASP.NET and IE. When you run a .NET application from the command-line, the host is the Shell. The Shell creates a new AppDomain for every application.

AppDomains can...
Posted By:Tammy Sanders      Posted On: Mar 16

.Net Framework
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Can I write my own .NET host?

Yes. For an example of how to do this, take a look at the source for the dm.net moniker developed by Jason Whittington and Don Box. There is also a code sample in the .NET SDK called CorHost.
Posted By:Hilma Miller      Posted On: Nov 27

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