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wireless connection

  Date: Nov 27    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 437

I recently did a clean installation of Ubuntu 10.10 and lost the settings for my
wireless connection. I had this problem before and it was resolved on its own. I
know I am using the correct driver, it looks like it is connected but the name
of the wireless connection is gray out. I am using a Dell Inspirion laptop, the
wireless chip is the Broadcom type. Any suggestions?



7 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Nov 27    

How does it "look like it is connected"?

For my 10.10 installation, I had to manually load the correct
"specialty" driver. Then set up the wireless, also by hand. I have
seen that 10.10 does not start-up and connect to wireless automatically
every time - does not work sometimes on return from hibernation. You
might try starting it manually - there should be a hard-to-see icon on
your task panel - it will "spin" if the driver is searching. You can
also click on the icon and go to the appropriate selection (mine is
"connect to hidden wireless network"). You can also create a new
wireless network.

Answer #2    Answered On: Nov 27    

I mean the name of the wireless connection appear, and it also said the name of
the wireless connection and connected, but nothing happen.
How did you manually load the speciality driver? it gave 2 options, played with
both of then, no luck

Answer #3    Answered On: Nov 27    

Try: System > Administration > Additional Drivers

Answer #4    Answered On: Nov 27    

Broadcom wireless chipsets have always been a problem but are now
included in the standard updates so connecting via Ethernet and
getting those updates should sort it. You could also temporarily plug
in a USB Wi-Fi adapter and get on-line with that if the Ethernet is
also Broadcom !

Answer #5    Answered On: Nov 27    

It sounds like you need to install the Broadcom proprietary driver. Try
running Hardware drivers (now called Additional Drivers).

Answer #6    Answered On: Nov 27    

I tried both Broadcom B43 wireless driver and Broadcom STA wireless driver, both
are proprietary drives, and none work. It says the name of my wireless
connection and connection stablished, but when I open the browser it doesn't

Answer #7    Answered On: Nov 27    

From no apparent reason to me it works now
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