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Tomcat problem

  Asked By: Darcy    Date: Jun 29    Category: Java    Views: 748

I have problems with Tomcat4.0 web server.If
i recompile the servlet class after some changes in
the code Tomcat does not show the changes. In the
Tomcat console window there is stated that servlet was
modified but in the browser the old code is still
working.I have tried to add '?'-sign with new parameter to
the end of servlet url, sometimes it works and new
recompiled servlet is shown finally.Inside server.xml
file i have added a row:<DefaultContext
reloadable="true"/> My servlets run on the \examples directory
with reloadable argument set true:<!--
Tomcat Examples Context --><Context
path="/examples" docBase="examples" debug="0"
reloadable="true">Is there any better way to make Tomcat show the
newest servlet compiled? Do i really have to restart
Tomcat a couple of times?



1 Answer Found

Answer #1    Answered By: Wilbur Hall     Answered On: Jun 29

Tomcat 4.0.x includes a manager servlet  which can
be used to reload other contexts. I suggest that you
look at the manager documentation on the Apache
Jakarta site for more information. I am suprised that the
reloadable="true" flag doesn't work

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