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Problem Accessing rmiregistry Through Tomcat

  Asked By: Adelisa    Date: Apr 10    Category: Java    Views: 1138

I have an applet which uses rmi for some services it needs. The applet runs fine on any client by running rmiregistry and then opening applet HTML file on browser, but when I try to run it through Tomcat I get an error on socket permissions:

java.net.SocketPermission [serverip]:[port] connect , resolve

I also garnted these permissions on catalina.policy file of Tomcat as below:

grant {
permission java.net.SocketPermission, "localhost:[port]", "connect,resolve";




1 Answer Found

Answer #1    Answered By: Agatha Miller     Answered On: Apr 10

Sign the applet  container jar file, fore more information

a signed jar file  appears with a Grant Permission Dialog, and if you do not set any specific policy  in security policy file for your jar file, it grants all resources of the client  computer.

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