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Setting classpath in weblogic 9.0

  Asked By: Sean    Date: Jan 15    Category: Java    Views: 1723

We work in our project with weblogic 9.0, we use many
third paty library. How we can set this library in
weblogic classpath.



3 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered By: Abbad Akhtar     Answered On: Jan 15

I don’t know if any thing changed in weblogic  9 or not, but as in version 8.1 we used to set classpath  in weblogic server start scripts such as startweblogic.sh. This was standard in version 8.1 but I am not sure about version 9.Hope it helps.

Answer #2    Answered By: Cais Nguyen     Answered On: Jan 15

you should add your library  to the CLASSPATH variable
in the weblogic9.0:
you Should Edit server/bin/startWLS.cmd ....because
the CLASSPATH variable it's in this file...

Answer #3    Answered By: Jaspreet Kapoor     Answered On: Jan 15

you can set  the thirdpartylib in the classpath  of thr startweblogic.cmd.

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