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Not able to set classpath after installing JDK1.3

  Asked By: Diem    Date: Jul 22    Category: Java    Views: 1280

I am not able to set classpath after
installing JDK1.3. I have done this long time ago but
when I tried to set path using set classpath=PATH; It
doesn't recognize the javac command. Does anybody know
what should I do to compile and run java program?



1 Answer Found

Answer #1    Answered By: Geena Ma.     Answered On: Jul 22

Perhaps you are confusing the path  environment variable (which is used to find
executable binaries) and the CLASSPATH
environment variable (which is used by Java to find .class files).

To be able to execute the Java binaries, you must add the path to the binaries
to the path. For example, on my system I
would do:

set PATH=%PATH%;G:\jdk1.3.1\bin

Of course you will probably want to make this permanent.

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