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Server Side Includes

  Asked By: Richard    Date: Aug 23    Category: Asp.net    Views: 1612

What are the disadvantages of using include file in the web pages?

We will be putting our site banner into an include file and include in every
page. We have more that 5000 pages and it keeps growing and around 5000 hits
a day.

I read about performance hit because of SSI extra processing in the web
server. What are the things I need to watch for?



3 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered By: Abana Cohen     Answered On: Aug 23

There is extra processing involved but for a small include  file such as you
are using for a banner ad, it really isnt worth worrying about.

Also, if you have 5000 pages, using the include file  will surely save you an
enourmous amount of time having to update each page.

Answer #2    Answered By: Lu Fischer     Answered On: Aug 23

Use a User Control instead ala:

Includes are obsolete in ASP.net see:

Answer #3    Answered By: Alfonso Martin     Answered On: Aug 23

I'm a newbie to .NET. How do I parse the xml string in
asp.net which contains a message(Name/value pair) from
a message queue.

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