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My Interesting Karmic Upgrade

  Date: Dec 06    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 405

knew the possible dangers of upgrading but went ahead, right on the first day
of release. After maybe 6 hours of downloading and upgrading I saw no problems
until the very end. It then told me it couldn't continue and that the upgrade
had failed.Everything looked the same and "Possibly unusable system" was not a
comforting message. I believed it and was not totally surprised so thought about
trying again..

Next I tried to run the upgrade again, but no matter how I tried it wouldn't let
me. Finally it dawned on me that maybe the problem was not the upgrade but the
message, so tried "cat /etc/issue" and it said I was running 9.10! Apparently
the upgrade had worked, with a couple of small problems.

A message kept popping up saying that KTTSD was not working. A quick search told
me that was the speech engine, so a quick apt-get found and installed it. No
more annoying messages but the speech sounded clipped and unintelligible. No
problem as I wasn't intending to use it anyway - it's a project for future

Another more pressing issue is that the graphical interface freezes when trying
to install some things. So A reboot has allowed me to regain control, but there
must be some better way. Logging out works, but takes about 5 minutes to start.
Must be something hogging CPU cycles. Any suggestions?

Overall I'm happy with my upgrade, but on the surface there are so few changes
that there hardly seems to be any payback. Hovering over some folders shows the
contents, but other improvements must be well hidden.



3 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Dec 06    

Yes, it will give you the message if the upgrade is partial, since your
upgrade is incomplete. Certain packages can trigger the message since they
are considered part of the core distribution, but they are not essential to
running your operating system as you have found out.

Personally I remove all Mono from Ubuntu and this makes my computer not a
full Ubuntu distribution because Mono is part of the Ubuntu core. Tomboy and
F-spot require Mono. This is my do-it-yourself partial upgrade.

Answer #2    Answered On: Dec 06    

My question: if the upgrade is partial, as it appears mine is, how
does one complete it. Seems to me there is something like "sudo
apt-get install kubuntu-desktop"...

Can anyone jog my memory, and/or propose another way to make it a full upgrade?

Answer #3    Answered On: Dec 06    

sudo apt-get install -f

this will install missing libraries or packages

It´s worth a try

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