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Need help scraping data from java-chart

  Asked By: Pamela    Date: Sep 09    Category: Java    Views: 1126

I want to scrape number/text data from a Java-chart web-page.
take a look at http://www.prophet.net/analyze/javacharts.jsp
As user moves the mouse/cursor across the java-chart, the data
(numbers)change according to the position on the chart.
I need to extract the VOLUME number and the DATE-value.
I have done so (using VB) on other non-java web-pages -- using the
TABLE / ROW / CELL values in the web-DOCUMENT.
However, by examining the web-page source, I cannot get infomation on
these java-numbers/data.

Any assistance will be greatly appreciated.
Any suggestion on another newsgroup to ask will also be helpful.



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