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CORBA slow at startup

  Asked By: Jeff    Date: Jan 09    Category: Java    Views: 828

I have a CORBA client running under Linux and a CORBA server running
on Win2k. Both systems have SUN's Java 1.4.2_03 on them. The server
is persistant and it is registered and started using servertool. The
problem that I am having is that the client seems to pause for a long
time(5 - 10 sec) when it calls orb.string_to_object(). ie.


// Create and initialize the ORB.
ORB orb = ORB.init(args, null);

logger.info("Retrieving ORB instance.");

org.omg.CORBA.Object obj = orb.string_to_object(corbaUrl);

Orange impl = OrangeHelper.narrow(obj);


args = "-ORBInitialPort 2250 -ORBInitialHost"
corbaUrl = "corbaname::"

I start the client and it prints "Retrieving ORB instance." and then
pauses for about 10 seconds. After it gets past that point the actual
ORB function calls are relatively quick. I hope this is not a Windows



1 Answer Found

Answer #1    Answered By: Landra Schmidt     Answered On: Jan 09

Well I guess I will answer my own question since I figured it out this
morning. :)

Turns out that the Win2k box that was running  the CORBA orbd server
also has a DNS running on it. And when the DNS was unable to do a
reverse lookup on the CORBA client  PC it hung. After adding a reverse
lookup for the client PC into the Win2k DNS the string_to_object()
returned instantly everytime. The string_to_object() must be forcing
a reverse lookup on the client that is connecting to it.

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