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ComboBoxModel / JComboBox question

  Asked By: Nisha    Date: Apr 08    Category: Java    Views: 1470

I'm using a ComboBoxModel to link a JComboBox with database.
I used a Vector that contains a series of Hashtables, one for each record of

When I was writing "getSelectedItem" and "getElementAt" method I need to return
a String object (a field "assunto" contained in Hashtable), otherwise it will
show all Hashtable via toString() method. In this implementation, a duplicated
string will cause some inconsistences because I need to use the String (assunto)
to find the selected item at "setSelectedItem".

How do I index the JComboBox by a database primary key???

/***** THE CODE *****/

class TSelModel implements ComboBoxModel {
private int fSelected = 0;
private Vector fRecs = new Vector();

public TSelModel(){
db.query("SELECT id, assunto FROM solicitacao WHERE id_para = "+ fUserId);
Hashtable rs;
while((rs = db.nextRecord()) != null) {

public int getSize(){
return fRecs.size();

public Object getElementAt(int index) {
Hashtable theCurrentRecord = (Hashtable) fRecs.elementAt(index);
String theValue = (String) theCurrentRecord.get("assunto");
return (Object) theValue;

public void addListDataListener(ListDataListener l) {

public void removeListDataListener(ListDataListener l) {

public void setSelectedItem(Object anItem) {
Hashtable theCurrentRecord;
String theValue;
for(int i=0;i<getSize();i++) {
theCurrentRecord = (Hashtable) fRecs.elementAt(i);
theValue = (String) theCurrentRecord.get("assunto");
if (theValue.equals(anItem)) {
fSelected = i;

public Object getSelectedItem() {
Hashtable theCurrentRecord = (Hashtable) fRecs.elementAt(fSelected);
String value = (String) theCurrentRecord.get("assunto");
return (Object) value;



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