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Automatically Create UserForm from Selection

  Asked By: Ronnie    Date: Feb 08    Category: MS Office    Views: 833

Just got in mind to try & create a user input form for a datalist.

My idea was to type in a row of headings ie, LastName, DOB etc

Type in the following row with prefixed control names,ie txtLastName, dteDOB

And then run a procedure to automatically create a "draft" userform which
you can then customise.

The procedure to "Identify" the type of field by the fieldname prefix.

To be added would be a "Add", "Cancel", "Close" buttons.

With the expertise that this forum has, I am sure somebody has already tried
something similar, but I couldn't find anything in the archives.

Does anybody out there know where I could find such a procedure



2 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered By: Isam Bashara     Answered On: Feb 08

I have been working on something along those lines. I posted what I
have so far here:


It is a long link, so it may get broken. If the link gets broken,
try looking here:


Let us know if you make anything out of this.

Answer #2    Answered By: Volker Fischer     Answered On: Feb 08

Training schedule is heavy this week, but persevere as soon as I can.

I will study your examples when I have a few minutes.

Meanwhile thanks again.

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