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Applet intractive IP camera Live viewer (continuously Motion JPG)

  Asked By: Daryl    Date: Feb 14    Category: Java    Views: 1896

I have an applet live image viewer "IP Camera" where the client must
continuously download the images from the server . I have a problem with the
speed of downloading due to each image being around 25Kb. To show it like a
movie it needs to download and play 10 frame "image " per second . So I am
trying to copy and replace the images in the memory but i found that the browser
is hanging . So I have tried to copy the images to the temporary folder and
continuously replace the images and then Play those image as a movie , But I
have problem accessing and reading those files from the temporary folder.

Is it possible to suggest to me the right way of working with temp files.



1 Answer Found

Answer #1    Answered By: Amelia Schmidt     Answered On: Feb 14

have you tried using JMF instead?

