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How Do I: Get Started with LINQ

 How Do I: Get Started with LINQ


What is LINQ? Can you explain it with suitable example?

 This video will explain LINQ along with simple example.


Using LINQ

 blog.dmbcllc.com This example will be relatively brief but once you understand the underlying parts, which we've covered already, there really isn't much to actually using LINQ.


Stored Procedures using LINQ to SQL Classes

 blog.dmbcllc.com While it is true that LINQ will allow you to write all of your data access in .NET without writing a line of SQL, many organizations have already determined that using stored procedur...


IntroducionLinq Part 1

 This is an introductory video about Language Integrated Query (LINQ). The goal is to give you a comprehensive overview of this new and powerful technology by using clear and real examples that help yo...


Intertech - LINQ Training - Part 1

 www.Intertech.com This is a presentation on LINQ training delivered by Intertech Partner, Instructor and Best Selling Author, Andrew Troelsen. For a full description of Intertech's LINQ Training visit...

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