
Design Pattern Videos

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The Observer Design Pattern

 An explanation of the Observer design pattern and its purpose. Correction: Robert Llewellyn and I follow the rule that the PREPERATION of a video not take longer than an hour, not that the video itsel...
Category:Design Pattern


Design Patterns History and Introduction

 Welcome to the wonderful world of design patterns. Corrections: A family member of John Vlissides said that it is pronounced Vlee-see-dees, not how I said it in the video. Also, he died in 2005, not 2...
Category:Design Pattern


Structural Design Pattern Extraveganza!

 An explanation of the Facade, Adapter and Composite design patterns and their corresponding purposes. Hey! I loved making this video. Much better by contrast to my last video (Singleton) which even *I...
Category:Design Pattern


Google Developers Day US - Python Design Patterns

 Python Design Patterns Alex Martelli Design Patterns must be studied in the context on the language in which they'll get implemented -- the Gang of Four made that point strongly in their book, though ...
Category:Design Pattern


Design Pattern Pro App (Android Market)

 As a Software professional/Architect/Student I always thought of the need for a handy reference that would guide me through Object Oriented Software designing using DESIGN PATTERNS. I do understand ma...
Category:Design Pattern


Lecture - 14 Software Design - Primary Consideration

 Lecture Series on Software Engineering by Prof.NL Sarda, Prof. Umesh Bellur,Prof.RKJoshi and Prof.Shashi Kelkar, Department of Computer Science & Engineering ,IIT Bombay . For more details on NPTEL vi...
Category:Design Pattern

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