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Forum updates on "user privledges"

user privledges
How do I set up a user without a password? The wife and I are separateusers.I don't mind typing in...
One user's experience with the wubi Ubuntu installer
Linux user's 5 best practices?
I found this little tidbit in the blogoshpere. It may be a use to a few of you,but most of you pro...
work as another user
i want to work as another user i use 'useradd' and 'passwd' command but when ilogin with the new u...
Ubuntu guide for Windows users
I stumbled on this excellent primer for Windows users who are making a switch toUbuntu via RSS fee...
3 ways for Windows users to try out Linux
I have used Cygwin and Wubi. Both are great. You can also use CoLinux orTopologlinux. I have not u...
file transfer between users
being new to Ubuntu I need question answered and directions on how totransfer filesz from one user...
Ubuntu user and password?
I downloaded Ubuntu 8.04 Desktop ISO, burned ISO to CD, placed CD indrive and restarted computer. ...
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Article updates on "user privledges"

Shell script to display all users names, or users names of a particular group, or name of users wh
Write a shell script to display all users names, or users names of a particular group, or name of us...
program that takes string and word from a user and displays substring including user inputted word
Write a c program that takes string and word from a user and displays substring including user input...
Write a Script to Broadcast a message to a specified user when the user loged on any terminal
Write a Script to Broadcast a message to a specified user when the user loged on any terminal
Program to get string after user specified position
Write a program that takes string from user and displays string after position specified by user.
Write a shell script to find how many terminals has this user logged in
While executing a shell script either a LOGNAME or the UID is supplied at the command prompt.Write a...
Write a shell script to reverse a number supplied by a user
Write a shell script to reverse a number supplied by a user.
Program to reverse a string inputted from the user
A Program to reverse a string inputted from the user.
Write a menu driven program to display message, user name, terminal name, login date and time
Write a menu driven program for: Display the message “Today is November 30,2005 and current time ...
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Video updates on "user privledges"

Interview FAQ updates on "user privledges"

Which of the following is not a user-defined data type?
Optionsa) arrayb) structurec) uniond) classAnswer : a) array
Which of the following option will create a user-defined namespace in ANSI C++?
Optionsa) namespace namespace_name{….};b) namespace(){namespace_name}c) namespace namespace_...
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