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Forum updates on "how can make music in j2me"

how can make music in j2me
how can make music in j2mei mean,is there possibility 2 make different voice frequencies pleasu...
document for j2me
I'm new to j2me. may introduce me some good documents and tell me whats are good IDE and emulators f...
J2ME in java
I need a special SDK to work with J2ME .I think it's called ' J2ME Wireless Toolkit' or some thing...
How to access the Phone Number from the J2ME Application
I need to access the Phone Number from the SIM card.Is there any way to detect mobile phone number...
j2me question
I have a problem with method : keyRepeated in class:"class Canvas extends javax.microedition.lcdui...
(J2ME)change the Background Color Of Form
I have a question about create a Form on J2ME Midlet.How could we change the Background Color Of F...
unicode +j2me
how i can i use unicode format in my device(Nokia S60)when i write down farsi on my ide (netbeans ...
proplem to configure J2ME-Polish
i have installed j2mepolish-2-rc4 on my netbeans6,but when i make a new project from project list an...
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Article updates on "how can make music in j2me"

Decision Making and Branching using if statement , switch statement , conditional operator and got
This article explains about decision making and branching is performed using if statement, switch st...
Decision Making and Looping using while statement , do while loop , for statement
This article explains about how decision making is done in looping in C programming.
Word list program that reads a text file and makes an alphabetical list of all the words in that f
The wordlist program that reads a text file and makes an alphabetical list of all the words in that ...
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Interview FAQ updates on "how can make music in j2me"

The declaration of global variables must be made in which option
Optionsa) inside the functionb) outside the functionc) in a function header lined) None of...
What makes SQL a nonprocedural language?
SQL determines what should be done, not how it should be done. The database must implement the SQL r...
Which function capitalizes the first letter of a character string and makes the rest lowercase?
Capitalizes the first letter of a character string and makes the rest lowercase :INITCAP
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