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Forum updates on "dvd rom no detect"

Detect CD/Dvd-rom
I'm trying to make Java to detect CD/Dvd-rom in the system and displaycontents of cd/dvd. Is there...
dvd rom no detect
i have problem with dvd rom samsung sd-616e f509 no can installdrive it and are message there is p...
Prime Nos
This is a very basic question yet can somebody please tell me a wayto1) Generate prime nos2) c...
Accessing CD ROM , Monitor?
Can we access cd rom in java?I want to open/close CD Rom tray.and also want to On/Off monito...
Counting of Unique records from Repeative nos
I have a column of custoer code in spreadsheet, inwhich, many numbers are duplicate or repeating. ...
Cant play DVD'S
I am new to Linux. I have used Ubuntu jaunty now for the last few months andreally like it. The pr...
Playing DVD's
My wife rented a few movies and I thought I would watch them whileworking but none of them will pl...
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Article updates on "dvd rom no detect"

Program to find the largest and smallest number from an array of n 8 bit nos
Write a program to find the largest and smallest number from an array of n 8 bit nos.
Program to find the largest and smallest number from an array of n 16 bit nos
Write a program to find the largest and smallest number from an array of n 16 bit nos.
Program to add two 32 bit nos
Write a program to add two 32 bit nos.
Program to find the total no. of even and odd nos. from an array
Write a program to find the total no. of even and odd nos. from an array.
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Video updates on "dvd rom no detect"