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WSAD installation help

  Asked By: Almas    Date: Aug 30    Category: Java    Views: 740

I downloaded the "Webphere Stuido Application Developer 4.0.3
trail verison" and
tried to install it. After completion of the installation, it pops up
a window
saying " The trial verison license can not be found." and stops when
I try to
run it.

What's the problem and how can I do with it?



1 Answer Found

Answer #1    Answered By: Woodrow Jones     Answered On: Aug 30

I guess you'll get this message if you previously installed a trial version of a websphere studio product on your machine. This could be for example studio site developer, or websphere studio homepage builder or an expired version of WSAD. The trial version of these products including WSAD expires after 2 months and after that you can not install  a new trial version of any websphere studio products on your machine.

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