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Wikipedia and its Java Sections

  Asked By: Viveka    Date: Sep 30    Category: Java    Views: 638

I was heard about http://www.wikipedia.com and last week I got a
chance to navigate to it.

I hope I am late for it and also hope that many of you have already
working on the Farsi section of this site. (I mean

Any way, I found that there are lots of uncompleted items there about
java. Here are some of them:
Java,Applet, Swing, Sun, JSP, Servlet ,J2EE, J2ME, J2SE, RMI , ORM,
AOP,… (Imagine the size of this list!)

I decided to add or review some of them each day, cause I believe it
could become to a central repository for us.



2 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered By: Husani Chalthoum     Answered On: Sep 30

It's a long time that wikipedia.com is one of my favorite sites which
feeds my curiosity a lot! (English version)
It's one the comparatively comprehensive Encyclopedia on the web.

But as you said ,it's Farsi version needs a lot of work to complete
and revise(in java  section)
But In order to support a standard Farsi version,we're required using
reliable references.what are these standard references in java?

Is it a good idea to translate the same keys and their explanations
(which are available in wikipidia.com) into persian and add them to
fa.wikipedia.com ?(if these articles are incomplete,we can edit them too)

have a wonderful time

Answer #2    Answered By: Jared Adams     Answered On: Sep 30

yes. as parisa said one way to enrich fa.wiki is to translate english articles into farsi. it is a common way, even in other non-english laguages.

but please read instructions before any changes. specially do not leave any signature of yours. wiki is not a place for advertisement.
do not start debates in wiki, specially political ones. wiki is not a place for discussions.
if u want to discuss something , use discussion tab.

sometime i used to write a lot in fa.wiki but since some people think that wiki is a weblog or a newspaper and a place to consult others... etc i stopped doing that.

i hope you do not think in this way and that is why i insist reading instruction pages first before any change in wiki.

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