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A Problem in Studio.NET(Java Applet)

  Asked By: Anita    Date: Jan 11    Category: Java    Views: 921

I want to make my applet in Visual Studio.NET
by Visual j#.NET, but when i compile my source file
(I mean *.jsl files) there is no any byte code of the applet
(I mean *.class files).How can I compile my *.jsl files into
*.class files by Visual Studio.NET(in winxp or server2003)



1 Answer Found

Answer #1    Answered By: Cadencia Bernard     Answered On: Jan 11

Visual J#.net isnot an IDE for creating and developing java programs
.it is for .Net technology and u can write programs with java syntax
and change it to .Net ILC(Intermediate level code),so u cannot do any
java tasks ba Visual Stduio .Net.u need tools like Jbuilder

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