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Ubuntu & D-Link USB Wireless Adator

  Date: Jan 02    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 393

I have a D-Link USB Wireless Adaptor which I can not get working on

Ubuntu 6.06 LTS
D-Link USB Wire Adaptor
H/W Version: B1
F/W Version: 2.03

Router: Netgear DG834G

Computer is a Acer Aspire laptop

Could anyone explain why this will not work. It will not detect my
router or the chap's next door who runs a BT Wireless Hub.

Any particular one that I could use without any problems please ?



2 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Jan 02    

There is like 50 different models of Acer Aspire LT. See if you can find your
model and there is times how to config your WIFI..
Follow the Dapper guide lines at this link

Answer #2    Answered On: Jan 02    

Why not sign up at D-link.com and seek your version for possible advice
or a linux driver.

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