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Still Trying to Install Add Ons

  Date: Feb 05    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 386

Taking a look at my correspondence below, can anyone add any comments to help me
with 3 add-ons to Thunderbird?

How to install an add-on?

ME: Being new to Ubuntu, I am trying to fix "send without the subject" in
Thunderbird. I already downloaded
"/home/dan/Downloads/allow_empty_subject-0.3-tb.xpi" but don't know how to
install it in Thunderbird.

HELPER: I think that you can simply drag and drop the *.xpi file into the
Thunderbird Add-ons window. Alternatively, you can also use the little arrow
near the gears, choose "Install add-on from a file" and select your xpi.

ME: Hit install button to install xpi file and it came back with a warning "Not
Compatable with Thunderbird 3.0." I have downloaded Firefox 5.0 tar but don't
know how to install it from my download folder and I Don't see the little arrow
near the gears you were talking about.

HELPER: To install Thunderbird 5 in Ubuntu, follow these instructions:
http://support.mozillamessaging.com/e... and particulary the "Install the newest
release" chapter ;-) It will explain you how to set

ME: Thank You VERY MUCH, kinda like the old DOS commands which I used to use.
Now that I have it updated I can install all my add-ons.
Thanks again for all your help....Dan

ME: Well, now after installing Thunderbird 5.0 I find that
1. contacts_sidebar-0.7.1-tb.xpi
2. allow_empty_subject-0.3-tb.xpi and
3. GMinder.msi
are also not compatible with Thunderbird 5.0

HELPER: Well, you need to wait that the author update its add-on to be
compatible with Thunderbird 5.

ME: Thanks, I'll try the three of them again next month. Just tried them this
this morning and they said they weren't compatible with 5.0.



2 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Feb 05    

The helper is correct in that add-ons do need to be updated to work
with new versions of Thunderbird ( ditto for Firefox ) and it's the
original writer who has to do it. Not all add-ons make the change,
whether due to the writer no longer being around or unable to alter
the code to suit.

Regarding 'send with blank subject' I wonder why you want to do that
anyway ? Blank subject lines are often rejected by mail servers as
it's indicative of spam / virus sent e-mail. Is is so onerous to type
in a subject line ??

The GMinder add-on you list is an MSI file which is a Windows one, not
for Linux. Did a but of research and there's a way to get it working
for Evolution but not Thunderbird. Not sure if it will work in Wine
but worth a shot ?

Answer #2    Answered On: Feb 05    

For all the information. I didn't know that about the blank subject emails
being sent to spam. Thanks, I'll start adding a subject now.

GMinder being a windows file? Didn't really need that one either.

I figured out how to display the address book like the windows version by
clicking on View and following the prompts so I guess that takes care of the
message I sent Re: Thunderbird BCC. This should connect to that thread.

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